Stormpromax Requirements Solutions require only an internet connection and Internet Explorer 6 or higher.
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- Home Builders
- Roadway/DOT Contractors
- Commercial Development
- General Contractors
- Oil, Gas and Energy Operators
- BMP Inspectors & Installers
- Engineers
- Consent Decree Compliance
- Tenant Airport Compliance
The frequency of site inspections varies by location but the process is still the same. An inspector must physically go to a site and record their observations according to a set of predetermined questions. This information must be stored and maintained in accordance with the SWPPP. There are two typical ways that site inspections occur, a pad and pencil in the field with information transferred to a computer later, or electronically with the use of internet connectivity. Fieldpro is a streamlined solution.
Fieldpro is an offline field client that can save time and eliminate the step of information transfer from paper to electronic as well as save money by eliminating the need for internet access in the field. Fieldpro works by downloading the 3 most recent inspections and all associated photos, maps and attachments to your laptop and allows you to perform the inspection in the field. Once the inspection(s) is complete, simply sync the data from an internet connection in your office, home or closet “hot spot.”.